Founded as a non-profit organisation to perform at World Expo’88 in Brisbane, the goal of our group is to promote the customs and music of Switzerland and to keep traditions alive. Our performances alternate folk music with songs, yodelling and jutzes.
If you like music, please join our group. Send us an email and we will provide you with more information.
Booking / Enquiries
We recommend booking for a performance at least 2 months in advance. A fee will be charged. Please contact us for more information via email: yodel@swissclubqld.org.au
The origin of yodel
Just over 730 years old, Switzerland is 20 times smaller than Queensland. Two thirds of this tiny country consist of snowcapped mountains, glaciers, torrents, forests and alpine pastures. Imagine Switzerland long before radio and cars. For farmers and herders, life in such an environment was difficult and lonely. They found themselves in the mountains for up to three months alone with their cows. To communicate with other herders and their families, the mountain folk developed yodelling. This singing without words is characterised by constant alternating between chest and head voices. Yodel echoes greatly throughout the mountains, giving comfort and fellowship to the isolated herders.
Why yodel in Brisbane?
Like thousands of Swiss, we found a new homeland in Australia and in particular sunny Brisbane. Although fully integrated, we still love reminding ourselves of the customs of Switzerland. Whenever we have time, we rehearse our wide repertoire with a professional Australian teacher and play traditional instruments. Our performers are from various professional backgrounds and maintain a tie with Switzerland. On stage, we proudly wear beautiful traditional costumes representing different regions of our country of origin.