Jass Group

Welcome to the Swiss Club Qld Jass Group.

Our group meets regularly for a social jass and to catch up with friends and have fun.

Once a year in April we organise the Brisbane ‘Jass Meisterschaft’. Interested members also participate at the ‘Australian Jass Tournament’, which is normally held in June in different Australian States or in NZ.

For upcoming event information and registration form see Events.

For more information about the Jass group, please email jass@swissclubqld.org.au

Social Jass

We meet every 2 weeks at the Gallopers Sports Club for a social jass and to catch up with friends from 4 pm to late. Everyone is welcome, we can also teach you how to jass.


Gallopers Sports Club
Cnr Lancaster & Nudgee Rds, Ascot, Brisbane 4007

You can have well priced dinner at the Gallopers Sports Club before playing cards. See their menu here.
Joining the Gallopers Sports Club costs only one dollar and with the membership card you will save on each meal.